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203 Results

(2024) A paradigm for Africa-centric vaccine development in Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Trends in Parasitology.

The Equatorial Guinea Malaria Vaccine Initiative (EGMVI) highlights how long-term African government and international energy industry investment, plus novel partnerships, can enable clinical development of vaccines in Africa, for Africa. malaria, BIMEP, Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project, EGMVI, Equatorial Guinea, vaccine, vaccination, clinical research and development

(2023). Improving health care access through virtual health and telehealth solutions [Fact sheet]. .

For decades, MCD has served as an expert and leader in the planning and deployment of virtual health and telehealth solutions for improving the health and well-being of rural and underserved populations. virtual health, telehealth, northeast telehealth resource center, NETRC, CARE2, project ECHO, mental health, behavioral health

(2023) Responding to avian influenza A H5N1 detection on a hospital property in Maine—An interdisciplinary approach [Journal article]. Zoonoses and Public Health.

Given the opportunity for exposure to staff and hospital visitors through potentially infected faeces on the property, public health authorities determined mitigation efforts were needed to prevent the spread of disease. Avian influenza, H5N1, public health, Maine, pandemic response

(2023) Assessing IRS performance in a gender-integrated vector control programme on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, 2010–2021 [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

The findings from this research support the participation of women in IRS campaigns, and a renewed effort to implement equitable policies and practices that intentionally engage women in vector control activities.malaria, bioko island malaria elimination team, BIMEP, Equatorial Guinea, IRS, indoor residual spraying, gender equity, inclusion, malaria prevention

(2023) Development and evaluation of PlasmoPod: A cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test for rapid malaria diagnosis and surveillance [Journal article]. PLOS Global Public Health.

The diaxxoPCR device is a novel, small-scale and standalone qPCR instrument, which can be used to run and analyse ready-to-use cartridges which contains all RT-qPCR reagents and oligonucleotidesoligo nucleotides in dried form.malaria, bioko island malaria elimination team, BIMEP, Eqwuatorial Guinea, diagnostics, rapid testing,

Overview of MCD Global Health (Portuguese)

Learn about MCDOverview, booklet, history

Overview of MCD Global Health (English)

Learn about MCD's history, projects, careers, and more.Overview, booklet, history

(2023) Spatial dynamics of malaria transmission [Journal article]. PLOS Computational Biology.

a new, modular framework for building highly realistic models of malaria drawing on a century of research and innovation. malaria, equatorial guinea, modeling, data

MCD à Madagascar : Vue d'ensemble de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiène

Depuis 25 ans, MCD met en œuvre des programmes de santé publique à Madagascar, notamment dans le domaine de l'eau, de l'assainissement et de l'hygiène, qui ont permis d'améliorer durablement la santé et le bien-être de la population malgache.Madagascar, lavage, eau, assainissement, hygiène, UNICEF

MCD in Madagascar: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Overview

For 25 years, MCD has implemented public health programs in Madagascar, including WASH, that have resulted in sustainable improvements to the health and wellness of people across Madagascar.madagascar, wash, water, sanitation, hygiene, UNICEF

(2023) Identifying individual, household and environmental risk factors for malaria infection on Bioko Island to inform interventions [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

The aim of eliminating malaria from the Island remains elusive, however, underscoring the need to adapt control to the local context. malaria, equatorial guinea, BIMEP

(2023) Effects of Age, Gender and Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infection on Prevalence of Plasmodium Infection among Population Living in Bata District, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Tropical Medicine and Infestious Disease.

This study forces the government and other stakeholders involved in the fight against malaria and soil-transmitted helminth to consider a combined control program strategy for both parasitic infections in Equatorial Guinea.malaria, equatorial guinea, BIMEP

(2022). MCAPS Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

In recent years, Mozambique has made considerable progress reducing malaria deaths. Still, Mozambique is one of the six countries accounting for more than half of all global malaria cases.

(2022). Vermont Emergency Telepsychiatry Network Needs Assessment 2022 [White paper]. Vermont Community Foundation.

MCDtelehealth, telepsychiatry, mental health, Vermont

(2022). Implémentation du Dépistage des Cas Index dans les structures de Santé Militaire du Gabon [Fact sheet]. .

En s'inspirant des objectifs ambitieux fixés par l'ONUSIDA, les établissements de santé militaire du Gabon ont implementé la première approche de dépistage des cas index dans le pays afin d'augmenter le nombre de PVVIH qui connaissent leur statut VIH. HIV/AIDS, DHAPP, Gabon, index case screening, French

(2022). Launching Index Case Screening in Gabon Military Health Facilities [Fact sheet]. .

With ambitious targets set by UNAIDS as their guide, Gabon's military health facilities launched their country's first index case screening approach to increase the number of people living with HIV who know their HIV status.HIV/AIDS, DHAPP, Gabon, index case screening

(2022) Gene Coverage Count and Classification (GC3): a locus sequence coverage assessment tool using short-read whole genome sequencing data, and its application to identify and classify histidine-rich protein 2 and 3 deletions in Plasmodium falciparum [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

A computational approach was developed and validated, termed Gene Coverage Count and Classification (GC3), to analyse genome-wide sequence coverage data and provide informative outputs to assess presence and coverage profile of a target locus in WGS data. Malaria, rapid diagnostic test, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, diagnostics

(2022) The need for larval source management accompanying urban development projects in malaria endemic areas: a case study on Bioko Island [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

his case study assessed the impact construction projects had on mosquito larval habitats and the effectiveness of larval source management in reducing malaria vector density within the surrounding area.malaria, larval source management, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2022). PMI Impact Malaria Project Brief [Fact sheet]. .

Malaria remains a fact of life for billions of people around the world and is a leading cause of illness and death across sub-Saharan Africa.Malaria, Impact, Brief

(2022) Evaluation of a Multi-Season, Community-Based Larval Source Management Program on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases.

This study evaluates the effectiveness of the community-led LSM program to determine if this type of intervention could be used as a sustainable malaria control method on Bioko Island.malaria, larval source management, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2022) Real-time, spatial decision support to optimize malaria vector control: The case of indoor residual spraying on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. PLOS Digital Health.

This paper discusses how the use of a SDSS, the Campaign Information Management System (CIMS), to support malaria control operations on Bioko Island has impacted key process indicators of indoor residual spraying (IRS): coverage, operational efficiency and productivity.Malaria, bioko island, equatorial Guinea, indoor residual spraying, IRS

(2022) The impact of Loa loa microfilaraemia on research subject retention during a whole sporozoite malaria vaccine trial in Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.

We report eight cases of asymptomatic L. loa microfilaraemia occurring in adult subjects in a clinical trial of two Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite (PfSPZ) malaria vaccines on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, and the impact this had on the study.malaria, bioko island, equatorial guinea, pfspz vaccine

(2022) Diagnostic performance and comparison of ultrasensitive and conventional rapid diagnostic test, thick blood smear and quantitative PCR for detection of low-density Plasmodium falciparum infections during a controlled human malaria infection study in Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

This study compared the performance of an ultrasensitive rapid diagnostic test (uRDT) designed to detect low density infections to a conventional RDT (cRDT), expert microscopy using Giemsa-stained thick blood smears (TBS), and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) during a controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) study conducted in malaria exposed adults.Malaria, bioko island, equatorial Guinea, rapid diagnostic tests

(2022) Multi-Dose Priming Regimens of PfSPZ Vaccine: Safety and Efficacy against Controlled Human Malaria Infection in Equatoguinean Adults [Journal article]. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

We report the results of a randomized, double-blind, NS placebo-controlled clinical trial (EGSPZV3) assessing the safety, immunogenicity, and VE of four different multi-dose priming regimens with or without a delayed booster dose.malaria, bioko island, equatorial guinea, pfspz vaccine

(2022) Characterising co-infections with Plasmodium spp., Mansonella perstans or Loa loa in asymptomatic children, adults and elderly people living on Bioko Island using nucleic acids extracted from malaria rapid diagnostic tests [Journal article]. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Determine the positivity rate and distribution of filarial nematodes across different age groups and geographical areas as well as to understand level of co-infections with malaria in an asymptomatic population.Malaria, bioko island, equatorial Guinea, rapid diagnostic tests

(2022) Analysis of nucleic acids extracted from rapid diagnostic tests reveals a significant proportion of false positive test results associated with recent malaria treatment [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

Despite an increasing number of reports on false-negative and false-positive RDT results, there is a lack of systematic quality control activities for RDTs deployed in malaria surveillance programmes.Malaria, rapid diagnostic test, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2022) Genomic Surveillance Enables the Identification of Co-infections With Multiple SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Frontiers Public Health.

We discuss the experiences and lessons learned from the SARS-CoV-2 monitoring and surveillance program at the Public Health Laboratory on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea that was implemented as part of the national COVID-19 response and monitoring activities.COVID, COVID-19, sars-cov-2, equatorial guinea, surveillance

(2021). Guide Pratique de Mise en Place de l’APHA : Un instrument de responsabilisation des communautés pour la pérennisation des localités FDAL [White paper]. .

Ce document, réalisé par l’équipe de MCD au Bénin avec l’appui de personnes ressources, est un guide qui s’inspire du retour de terrain de la mise en œuvre du PAPHyR.WASH, Benin, PAPHyR, water, sanitation, and hygiene

(2021). Strengthening Communities’ Response to COVID-19 in Madagascar [Fact sheet]. .

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, measures taken by the government to prevent the spread of the virus made it challenging for the FAA program to reach communities, which impacted progress. Despite the spread of COVID-19 in Madagascar, MCDI and its implementing partners quickly adapted their approach to, not only respect public health measures necessary in curbing the pandemic, but also leverage the program’s strengths.WASH, Madagascar, FAA, Sanitation, Hygiene, COVID-19, Community-Led Total Sanitation, CLTS, hand-washing

(2021) A colorimetric test for the evaluation of the insecticide content of LLINs used on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

A colorimetric “Test Kit” designed for use as a screening tool, able to detect the type II pyrethroids on fabrics and sprayed walls, was used for the first time to detect deltamethrin on long-lasting insecticidal nets deployed on Bioko Islandmalaria, BIMEP, Bioko Island, long-lasting insecticide nets, malaria prevention, indoor residual spraying, insecticides

(2021). Model Households: Promising Approach to Sustaining Sanitation Gains in Madagascar [Fact sheet]. .

To improve the well-being of the Malagasy people, MCDI implemented the Fonds d’Appui pour l’Assainissement (FAA) program in Madgascar with funding from the Water Supply and Collaborative Council’s Global Sanitation Fund.WASH, Madagascar, FAA, Sanitation, Hygiene, Natural Leaders, Model Households, Community-Led Total Sanitation,

(2021) Measuring the accuracy of gridded human population density surfaces: A case study in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. PLOS ONE.

High quality census datasets, where available, are a unique opportunity to characterize maps by comparing them with truth. We use census data from a bed-net mass-distribution campaign on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, conducted by the Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Program as a gold standard to evaluate LandScan (LS), WorldPop Constrained (WP-C) and WorldPop Unconstrained (WP-U), Gridded Population of the World (GPW), and the High-Resolution Settlement Layer (HRSL).malaria, BIMEP, malaria elimination, Bioko Island, vaccine

(2021) Quantifying malaria acquired during travel and its role in malaria elimination on Bioko Island [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

The present article quantifies how off-island contributes to remaining malaria prevalence on Bioko Island, and investigates the potential role of a pre-erythrocytic vaccine in making further progress towards elimination.malaria, BIMEP, malaria elimination, Bioko Island, vaccine

(2021) Therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine and polymorphism in Plasmodium falciparum kelch13-propeller gene in Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

Artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) are the currently recommended first- and second-line therapies for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum infections in Equatorial Guinea. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of these artemisinin-based combinations and detect mutations in P. falciparum kelch13-propeller domain gene (Pfkelch13).

(2021) Comparing metapopulation dynamics of infectious diseases under different models of human movement [Journal article]. PNAS.

Newly available large-scale datasets of human population movement represent an opportunity to model how diseases spread between different locations. Combining infectious disease models with mechanistic models of host movement enables studies of how movement drives disease transmission and importation. Here we explore how modeled epidemiological outcomes may be sensitive to the modeler’s choice of movement model structure.

(2021) Incidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection in 6-month to 45-year-olds on selected areas of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Malaria World.

Though there has been a large decrease in the prevalence of malaria, local transmission remains, and the risk of infection is spread throughout all age groups. These findings support future larger trials of the PfSPZ Vaccine.

(2021) Clustering of subpatent infections in households with asymptomatic rapid diagnostic test-positive cases in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea independent of travel to regions of higher malaria endemicity: a cross-sectional study [Journal article]. Malaria World.

Malaria control efforts in Bioko Island against Plasmodium falciparum may be hindered by imported infections from other locations and subpatent infections, which aren’t detected by microscopy or rapid development testing.

(2020). Le sursaut vital: Capitalisation du Programme d’Amélioration des Pratiques d’Hygiène et d’assainissement en milieu rural au Bénin (PAPHyR) 2015-2020 [White paper]. .

Ce document présente l'objectif du projet PAPHyR au Bénin en partageant les expériences et en contribuant à améliorer l'efficacité des futurs projets et programmes.WASH, Benin, PAPHyR, water, sanitation, and hygiene

(2020) Le sursaut vital Capitalisation du Programme d’Amélioration des Pratiques d’Hygiène et d’assainissement en milieu rural au Bénin (PAPHyR) 2015-2020 [Journal article]. .

Au Bénin, MCDI a, en collaboration avec ABT Associates, le principal récipiendaire du projet du projet PSHPA « Private Sector Health Partnership Activity », et en appui au Ministère de la santé mis en place et déploie depuis 2019 un mécanisme de renforcement continue des capacités des acteurs des Etablissement Sanitaires Privés (ESP) . Ce mécanisme multiforme et à divers niveaux englobe les formations en salle, les suivis post-formations et les formations sur site.PAPHyr, WASH, hygiene

(2020) Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Radiation-Attenuated and Chemo-Attenuated PfSPZ Vaccines in Equatoguinean Adults [Journal article]. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Despite an international investment in malaria control of more than $4 billion annually, the numbers of deaths and clinical cases of malaria were essentially unchanged from 2015 to 2018.

(2020). MCDI HIV/AIDS/TB Factsheet 2020 [Fact sheet]. MCDI.

A summary of MCDIHIV, AIDS, TB, Factsheet, 2020

(2020) Providing Ancillary Care in Clinical Research: A Case of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma during a Malaria Vaccine Trial in Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

This case demonstrates how high-quality medical care was provided for a serious illness that occurred during a trial that was conducted in a setting in which positron emission tomography for diagnostic staging, an oncologist for supervision of treatment, and an optimal therapeutic intervention were not available.Malaria, Vaccine, Trial, Equatorial Guinea, Clinical, Research, Lymphoma,

(2020). Adapting Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program to Combat COVID-19 in Benin [Fact sheet]. MCDI.

MCDI adapted strategies from its Improved Access to Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Rural Areas (PAPHyR) program as the COVID-19 pandemic reached Benin in 2020.Benin, PAPHyR, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, WASH, COVID-19, Hand-washing

(2020) Malaria in children and women of childbearing age: infection prevalence, knowledge and use of malaria prevention tools in the province of Nyanga, Gabon [Journal article]. .

There is little information on the social perception of malaria and the use of preventative measures in Gabon, especially in rural areas.malaria, child, malaria prevention, mothers of childbearing age

(2020) The Equatoguinean Malaria Vaccine Initiative: From the launching of a clinical research platform to malaria elimination planning in Central West Africa [Journal article]. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Fifteen years of investment in malaria control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea (EG), dramatically reduced malaria-associated morbidity and mortality, but the impact has plateaued.malaria, vaccine, initiative, Sanaria, elimination, Central, West, Africa

(2020) Malaria Vector Control in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Time of COVID-19: No Room for Complacency [Journal article]. .

The COVID-19 pandemic can potentially bring public health interventions in lowincome countries to a collapse.malaria, Sub-Saharan, Africa, COVID-19

(2020) Malaria outbreak in Riaba district, Bioko Island: lessons learned [Journal article]. .

This case study highlights the need for sustained vector control interventions and multi-sector participation, particularly in malaria control and elimination settings with persistently high local malaria receptivity.malaria, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, guinea, lessons, learned, riaba, district, outbreak

(2020) Molecular malaria surveillance using a novel protocol for extraction and analysis of nucleic acids retained on used rapid diagnostic tests [Journal article]. .

We have systematically developed and extensively evaluated a procedure to extract total nucleic acids from used malaria RDTs.malaria, mosquito, rapid, diagnostic, test, surveillance, monitor, nucleic, acids

(2020) Improving the performance of spray operators through monitoring and evaluation of insecticide concentrations of pirimiphos-methyl during indoor residual spraying for malaria control on Bioko Island [Journal article]. .

Quality control of indoor residual spraying (IRS) is necessary to ensure that spray operators (SOs) deposit the correct concentration of insecticide on sprayed structures, while also confirming that spray records are not being falsified.spray, operators, improvement, monitoring, evaluation, insecticide, pirimiphos-methyl, indoor, residual, spaying, malaria, control, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2019). Essential Elements for Community-Based Arbovirus Prevention and Control: Review of Experiences in Five Central American Countries [White paper]. .

This document presents a synthesis of experiences gathered fromfour projects funded by the United Stated Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) to provide support for community responsesto the health emergency caused by the Zika virus epidemic in CentralAmerica that emerged in 2015. Within this context, a series of bestpractices were identified as essential elements for the prevention andcontrol of Zika and other arboviruses through a community approach.ZICORE, MCDI, Zika, Community-based, Community, best practices, practices, regional systematization, regional, systematization

(2019). Malaria Diagnostics and Treatment Fact Sheet 2018 [Fact sheet]. .

With decades of experience, MCDI is a global technical leader in malaria diagnostics and treatment

(2019) Characterising malaria connectivity using malaria indicator survey data [Journal article]. .

Malaria connectivity describes the fow of parasites among transmission sources and sinks within a given landscape. malaria, indicator, survey, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2019) Promising malaria vaccine to be tested in first large field trial [Journal article]. .

The vaccine can confer up to 100% protection and will be tested in 2,100 people on the west African island of Bioko.malaria, vaccine, Bioko, Africa, Equatorial Guinea, Island, Malabo


Este documento presenta una síntesis de las experiencias de cuatro proyectos financiados por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) para apoyar la respuesta comunitaria a la emergencia sanitaria causada por la epidemia del virus Zika en Centroamérica que surgió en el año 2015.ZICORE, MCDI, Zika, Community-based, Community, best practices, practices, regional systematization, regional, systematization

(2019) Molecular monitoring of the diversity of human pathogenic malaria species in blood donations on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

This study confirms that in malaria endemic settings, sub-patent malaria infections among blood donors are prevalent.Malaria, MCDI, Health, Global Health, Preventable Health, Mosquito, Mosquitoes, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2019) Increased Biting Rate of Insecticide-Resistant Culex Mosquitoes and Community Adherence to IRS for Malaria Control in Urban Malabo, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

On Bioko Island, communication strategies need refining to sensitize communities about the effectiveness of indoor residual spraying (IRS) in controlling malaria vectors in the midst of insecticide resistance in nonmalaria vector mosquitoes.Malaria, Mosquito, Mosquitoes, Health, Preventable Health, Global Health, International Development, MCDI, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2019) Human mobility patterns and malaria importation on Bioko Island [Journal article]. .

Despite uncertainty, these estimates of residual transmission and importation serve as a basis for evaluating progress towards elimination and for efficiently allocating resources as Bioko makes the transition from control to elimination.Malaria, MCDI, Mosquito, Mosquitoes, Health, Global Health, Preventable Health, International Development, MCDI, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2019) Evaluation of the residual effectiveness of Fludora™ fusion WP-SB, a combination of clothianidin and deltamethrin, for the control of pyrethroidresistant malaria vectors on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

The combination insecticide has been listed by the WHO-PQT for IRS and its use could help preserve the effectiveness of pyrethroids and make a significant contribution to the overall mission of malaria elimination in Equatorial Guinea and other malaria-endemic countries globally.Malaria, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, Health, Global Health, International Development, Preventable Health, MCDI, Godwin, Fuseini, Fludora, clothianidin, deltamethrin

(2019) Mapping and Enumerating Houses and Households to Support Malaria Control Interventions on Bioko Island [Journal article]. .

The housing unit mapping and household enumeration system developed for Bioko Island enabled the BIMCP to more effectively plan, implement, target, and monitor malaria control interventions.Malaria, Bioko Island, Elimination, Mosquitoes, Mosquito, Guillermo, Garcia, Health, Global Health, International Development, Preventable Health

(2019). The 2019 Concordia Annual Summit P3 Impact Award [Presentation]. .

“This long-term PPP, led by the Government of Equatorial Guinea, has succeeded in bringing together the unique and synergetic abilities of each partner to achieve sustainable health and economic impact at scale.”malaria, BIMEP, malaria, elimination, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea, concordia, P3, Impact, award

(2019) Human mobility patterns and malaria importation on Bioko Island [Journal article]. .

Malaria burden on Bioko Island has decreased significantly over the past 15 years. The impact of interventions on malaria prevalence, however, has recently stalled. Here, we use data from island-wide, annual malaria indicator surveys to investigate human movement patterns and their relationship to Plasmodium falciparum prevalenceMalaria, Equatorial Guinea, Bioko Island, Importation

(2019) Increased Biting Rate of Insecticide-Resistant Culex Mosquitoes and Community Adherence to IRS for Malaria Control in Urban Malabo, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Sustaining high levels of indoor residual spraying (IRS) coverage (≥85%) for community protection against malaria remains a challenge for IRS campaigns. We examined biting rates and insecticide resistance in Culex species and Anopheles gambiae s.l., and their potential effect on community adherence to IRS. The average IRS coverage in urban Malabo between 2015 and 2017 remained at 80%.Malaria, IRS, vector control, biting, insecticide resistance

(2019) Evaluation of the residual effectiveness of Fludora™ fusion WP-SB, a combination of clothianidin and deltamethrin, for the control of pyrethroid-resistant malaria vectors on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Although both target-site knockdown resistance and metabolic resistance to pyrethroids were implicated in the local malaria vector population, Fludora™ fusion was effective under field conditions in controlling the resistant vectors for a period of 8 months on wooden surfaces on Bioko Island and represents a valuable addition to IRS programs, especially in regions with high levels of pyrethroid resistance.Malaria, indoor residual spraying, IRS, pyrethroid, resistance, Equatorial Guinea, Bioko Island

(2019). Sanitation Marketing & Village Saving and Loan Associations: Madagascar [Fact sheet]. .

Along with behavioral change, improving sanitation and handwashing facilities plays a significant role in maintaining Open Defecation Free (ODF) status and preventing slippage (the return to open defecation).WASH, Madagascar, Sanitation, Hygiene, Marketing

(2019). Institutional Triggering: The PAPHyR Experience - Benin [Fact sheet]. .

Institutional triggering is a vital tool that causes a feeling of disgust towards the practice of open defecation, specifically targeting influential agencies, organizations, and leaders.WASH, Benin, Sanitation, Hygiene, Triggering

(2019). Government Engagement: The PAPHyR Experience - Benin [Fact sheet]. .

In Benin, MCDI trains 14 Non-Governmental Organizations, called Agence de Mise en Oeuvre (AMOd), to be able to implement PAPHyR. To support the AMOd on the ground and to ensure ownership and sustainability of PAPHyR, MCDI involves local communal governments in the implementation and supervision of program activities.WASH, Benin, Local governance, governance, Sanitation, Hygiene

(2019). Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools: The PAPHyR Experience - Benin [Fact sheet]. .

Led by Medical Care Development International (MCDI), the goal of PAPHyR is to eliminate the practice of open defecation throughout rural Benin using Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), which “triggers” communities into building latrines and practicing safe sanitatary practices such as handwashing. The project aims to reach 2.9 million people across Benin.Benin, WASH, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Schools, WASH in Schools

(2019). Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of death from cancer for women in the developing world.Cervical cancer, cancer, CCST, Equatorial Guinea, Myanmar

(2019). Water Supply and Sanitation Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

The world succeeded in halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water in 2010. But such progress belies the fact that today, 780 million people still have no access to clean water, and over 35 percent of the worldWASH, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Madagascar, Benin

(2019). HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

The world has made enormous progress in the fight to end HIV/AIDS. But 37 million people are living with the disease and new infections continue to occur every year—faster than people are receiving treatment. Sub-Saharan Africa remains most severely affected, where nearly 1 in every 25 adults live with HIV.HIV, AIDS, HIV/AIDS, TB, Tuberculosis

(2019). Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

Women and children in the developing world suffer poor health and premature death from common illnesses that elsewhere would be preventable and easily treatable. For 30 years, across three continents, MCDI has built strong, sustainable health systems that save the lives of mothers and their children.RMNCH, Maternal Health, Child Health, Newborn Health, MNCH

(2019). Malaria Prevention and Control Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

MCDI has incomparable experience leading major malaria control projects. Building government, community and individual capacity to prevent, diagnose and treat malaria is the organization’s legacy mission, and one it has successfully carried out in more than 15 countries.Malaria, prevention, control, vector control, BCC, behavior change communication, vaccine

(2019). Performance-Based Financing Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

MCDI works with the World Bank and local governments to improve healthstrengthen health systems through Performance-Based Financing programs.PBF, Performance-Based Financing, Lesotho, Central African Republic

(2019). Zika Fact Sheet [Fact sheet]. .

Bringing years of expertise in vector control, behavior change communication and community mobilization, MCDI is at the forefront of the Zika response in Guatemala and El Salvador.Zika, ZICORE

Reducing malaria morbidity and mortality in Benin: The ARM3 story (English)

Celebrating the 7 years of success of the Accelerating the Reduction of Malaria Morbidity and Mortality (ARM3) project in Benin

Reducing Malaria Morbidity and Mortality in Benin - the ARM3 Story (French)

Cette vidéo célèbre les sept années de succès du projet Accélération de la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité liées au paludisme (ARM3) au Bénin

(2018) Trends in parasite prevalence following 13 years of malaria interventions on Bioko island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Whilst there have been substantial reductions in malaria transmission over the past decade, in many countries in West and Central Africa the malaria burden remains high. malaria, interventions, parasite, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2018) Rapid selection of a pyrethroid metabolic enzyme CYP9K1 by operational malaria control activities [Journal article]. .

Since 2004, indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide-impregnated bednets (LLINs) have reduced the malaria parasite prevalence in children on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, from 45% to 12%. Apyrethroid, enzyme, malaria, control, activities, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2018) Blood bank supplies in sub-Saharan Africa often contain malaria parasites [Journal article]. .

Research presented at the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria’s Pan African Malaria Conference showed that nearly one in four blood bank supplies in certain areas of sub-Saharan Africa are contaminated with malaria parasites.blood, malaria, Sub-Saharan, Africa, parasite, parasites, bank

(2018) High risk of malaria detected in blood for transfusions [Journal article]. .

The high prevalence of malaria parasites in blood for transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa could be a major setback in the fight against the disease in the region, a study suggests.malaria, blood, transfusion

(2018) Early changes in intervention coverage and mortality rates following the implementation of an integrated health system intervention in Madagascar [Journal article]. .

an interim evaluation of the first 2 years of a district-level health system strengthening (HSS) initiative in rural Madagascar, using estimates of intervention coverage and mortality rates from a district-wide longitudinal cohortjosea

(2018) Towards Elimination of Open Defecation in Madagascar [Conference presentation]. .

In Madagascar in 2010, an estimated 42% of the population practiced open defecation while 80% of the people lacked access to improved sanitation facilities.WASH, Open Defecation, Madagascar, Hygiene, Sanitation

(2018) Advancing Global Health through Development and Clinical Trials Partnerships: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Assessment of Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of PfSPZ Vaccine for Malaria in Healthy Equatoguinean Men [Journal article]. .

Equatorial Guinea (EG) has implemented a successful malaria control program on Bioko Island. A highly effective vaccine would be an ideal complement to this effort and could lead to halting transmission and eliminating malaria.Malaria, vaccine

(2018). ZICORE November 2018 Bulletin (Spanish) [Fact sheet]. .

November 2018 ZICORE Bulletin in SpanishZika, Bulletin, ZICORE

(2018). PAPHyR Bulletin #1 (French) [Fact sheet]. .

MCDIWASH, Bulletin

(2018). ZICORE Guatemala August 2018 Bulletin (Spanish) [Fact sheet]. .

ZICORE Guatemala August 2018 BulletinZika, Bulletin, ZICORE

(2018). Upgrading Skills and Standards in the Private Sector [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Private Sector, Malaria

(2018). Technical Working Groups for Continual Improvement [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in BeninBenin, Malaria, Technical Working Groups

(2018). ARM3: Summary of Key Achievements [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, USAID

(2018). ARM3: Summary of Key Achievements 2011–2018 (Long-form) [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, USAID

(2018). Helping Pregnant Women Protect Themselves from Malaria (Short) [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Malaria, Benin, Malaria in Pregnancy, MIP

(2018). Intermittent Preventive Treatment: Helping Pregnant Women Protect Themselves from Malaria (Long-form) [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Malaria, Benin, Malaria in Pregnancy, MIP

(2018). Case management: bringing malaria education, prevention, and treatment to the people [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, Case Management

(2018). Improving the Supply Chain for Malaria Commodities [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, supply chain management

(2018). Supply Chain Management for Malaria Commodities: The right amount, place and time (long-form) [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, supply chain management

(2018). Improving Malaria Diagnostics [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, diagnostics, malaria diagnostics

(2018). Behavior Change Communication (BCC) [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, Behavior Change Communication, BCC

(2018). Behavior Change Communication (BCC): for Malaria Prevention and Treatment (Long-Form) [Fact sheet]. .

Close-out document for USAID ARM3 Project in Benin.Benin, Malaria, Behavior Change Communication, BCC

(2018) Outreach training and supportive supervision for malaria case management in Zambia: the effects of focused capacity building on indicators of diagnostic and clinical performance [Journal article]. .

In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the proportion of people treated for malaria with a confrmed diagnosis was low in Africa compared to other regions of the world.Diagnostics,Training

(2018) Is Bioko getting the hang of it? Evaluation of a universal long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) door-to-door distribution and hang-up campaign in Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

Despite the known effectiveness of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in providing protection against malaria, maintaining universal coverage and use continues to be a challenge.Vector control,LLINs

(2018) Factors associated with refusal and reluctance to Indoor Residual Spraying on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) has proven to be a robust control measure against malaria, and until 2015 it was the primary vector control strategy under the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP).Vector control,Indoor Residual Spraying

(2018) Follow-up of LLIN’s soon after a mass distribution campaign in two urban districts in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) uses bed nets as the primary vector control strategy on Bioko Island.Vector control,LLINs

(2018) The use of a Campaign Information Management System for rapid and efficient mass distribution and monitoring of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets in an urban setting of Bioko Island [Conference presentation]. .

It is well established that long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) can be used as a core vector control tool to reduce malaria transmission in endemic countries.Campaing Information Management System,LLINs

(2018) Fine-scale mapping of localities households to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate malaria control campaigns on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP), in collaboration with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) of Equatorial Guinea, has been implementing malaria control activities on Bioko Island for at least 14 years.Vector control,GIS

(2018) Community engagement and the use of household mapping to target sensitization and improve IRS coverage on Bioko Island [Conference presentation]. .

Since its inception in 2004, the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) has relied on Island-wide IRS as one of the major malaria vector control strategies.Vector control,Indoor Residual Spraying,GIS

(2018) Trends in ITN, IPTp-SP usage and malaria prevalence and anaemia in pregnant women on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends and emphasizes the use of insecticide treated bednets (ITNs) and intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) for all pregnant women in areas of stable transmission of P. falciparum malaria.Malaria in pregnancy,LLINs

(2018) Utilizing a Campaign Information Management System and high-performance liquid chromatography for improved Quality Control of Indoor Residual Spraying with Actellic 300 CS organophosphate insecticide on Bioko Island of Equatorial Guinea. [Conference presentation]. .

Quality control of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) is necessary to ensure spray operators do not falsify spray records and that they deposit the recommended lethal dose of insecticides on spray walls.Campaing Information Management System,Indoor Residual Spraying,Insecticide resistance

PAPHyR's Celebration of First ODF Village on ORTB News (French)

MCDI's PAPHyR project featured on Benin's national news during its celebration of the first Open Defecation Free village in April 2017

A Fondo - Equatorial Guinea Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment (Spanish)

MCDI and Noble Energy representatives appear on Equatoguinean news program "A Fondo"

Promising Pathways

Innovations and Best Practices in CLTS at Scale in Madagascar Towards an Open Defecation Free Country.

Malaria Guide for Teachers (Spanish)

El paludismo es una enfermedad que afecta a las familias de su comunidad pero sobre todo a los niños y niñas, con graves consecuencias para su salud y su vida futura.

IEC Material for LLINs

English and Burmese

Follow-Up Mandona

A field guide for accelerating and sustaining open defecation free communities through a Community-Led Total Sanitation approach.

MCDI Brochure

For more than 25 years, Medical Care Development International has acted on a central belief: that quality healthcare should be affordable and accessible, and that individuals, regardless of their circumstances, should not die of preventable and treatable diseases.

(2017) Prevalence of substandard and falsified artemisinin-based combination antimalarial medicines on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. BMJ Global Health [Journal article]. .

Poor-quality artemisinin-containing antimalarials (ACAs), including falsified and substandard formulations, pose serious health concerns in malaria endemic countries. artemisinin, anti-malarial, medicines, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2017) The Quest for Building Laboratory Capacity to Support Controlled Human Malaria Infection (CHMI) Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experience with Five Sites [Journal article]. .

Conducting Controlled Human Malaria Infection (CHMI) studies in sub-Saharan Africa presents unique challenges yet it provides enormous opportunities for fast-tracking malaria vaccine and drug development. laboratory, malaria, human, infection, study, studies, Sub-Saharan, Africa

(2017) Vector bionomics and transmission intensities of malaria vectors on Bioko Island over 14 years of integrated vector control [Conference presentation]. .

Entomological surveillance has been an integral part of the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) since the implementation of the project in 2004.Vector control

(2017) Impact of construction of social housing units on malaria vector abundance on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. [Conference presentation]. .

Construction of massive infrastructures that are often associated with urbanization has profound implications on malaria epidemiology and vector control in Africa.Vector control

(2016) A cluster randomized trial comparing deltamethrin and bendiocarb as insecticides for indoor residual spraying to control malaria on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Indoor residual spraying (IRS) has been used on Bioko for malaria control since 2004.cluster, malaria, insecticides, deltamethrin, bendiocarb, spraying, indoor, control, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2016) Fake anti-malarials: start with the facts [Journal article]. .

This meeting report presents the key findings and discussion points of a 1-day meeting entitled ‘Fake anti-malarials: start with the facts’ held on 28th May 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland, to disseminate the findings of the artemisinin combination therapy consortium’s drug quality programme. anti-malarial, malaria

(2016). Follow-Up MANDONA (en français) [Fact sheet]. .

Un guide de terrain pour accélérer et soutenir le mouvement des communautés exemptes de défécation à l’air libre grâce à une approche d’Assainissement total piloté par la communauté (ATPC)d’Assainissement total piloté par la communauté, WASH, Madagascar, CLTS, Community-Led Total Sanitation, FAA, josea

(2016). Follow-Up MANDONA [Fact sheet]. .

A field guide for accelerating and sustaining open defecation free communities through a Community-Led Total Sanitation approachCLTS, Madagascar, WASH, josea


Document reposant essentiellement sur l’expérience du programme soutenu par le Fonds mondial pour l’assainissement à MadagascarWASH, CLTS, Community-Led Total Sanitation, josea

(2016). Sanitation and Hygiene Behaviour Change at Scale: Understanding Slippage [Fact sheet]. .

Primarily based on experiences from the Global Sanitation Fund-supported programme in MadagascarCLTS, WASH, FAA, Community-led Total Sanitation, josea

Malaria Microscopy Tutorial

A step by step guide

25th Meeting of the Steering Committee 24-29 March 2015 Madagascar

Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council General Information Compendium for March 2015.

(2015). Learning, Progress, and Innovation: Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in Madagascar [Fact sheet]. .

GSF In Focus - Case StudyCLTS, Community-led total sanitation, FAA, WASH, josea

(2015) Relationship between the prevalence of parasitemia in pregnant women and children: Bioko Island Malaria Indicator Survey 2008 - 2015 [Conference presentation]. .

To help scale up high-quality diagnosis and case management services for malaria and other febrile illnesses, MalariaCare is supporting MadagascarMalaria in pregnancy,Malaria Indicator Survey

(2015) Infection importation: a key challenge to malaria elimination on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) is a collaborative effort ofMarathon Oil, Atlantic Methanol (AMPCO) and partners, the government of Equatorial Guinea (EG), Medical Care Development International and other non-profit partners, and academic institutions. Its aim is to reduce malaria transmission and morbidity and mortality due to malaria in oil workers and in the general population though the use of indoor residual spraying (IRS) and other control measures.Vector control

(2015) Outdoor biting by Anopheles mosquitoes on Bioko Island does not currently impact on malaria control [Journal article]. Malaria Journal.

Vector control through indoor residual spraying (IRS) has been employed on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, under the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) since 2004. This study analyses the change in mosquito abundance, species composition and outdoor host-seeking proportions from 2009 to 2014,after 11 years of vector control on Bioko Island.Vector control,Entomology

Hope for Bioko

Marathon Oil and partners in the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project commemorated the 10th anniversary of the life-saving project in 2014.

(2012) The Effective Population Size of Malaria Mosquitoes is Greatly Impacted [Journal article]. .

Malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa have proven themselves very difficult adversaries in the global struggle against malaria. malaria, mosquito, vector, control

(2012) Increased risks of malaria due to limited residual life of insecticide and outdoor biting versus protection by combined use of nets and indoor residual spraying on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Malaria is endemic on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, with year-round transmission.malaria, insecticide, residual, spraying, indoor, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2012) Malaria transmission after five years of vector control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Malaria is endemic with year-round transmission on Bioko Island. The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) started in 2004 with the aim to reduce malaria transmission and to ultimately eliminate malaria. malaria, transmission, vector, control, Bioko, Island, Equatorial Guinea

(2012) Performance of a Malaria Microscopy Image Analysis Slide Reading Device. [Journal article]. .

Viewing Plasmodium in Romanovsky-stained blood has long been considered the gold standard for diagnosis and a cornerstone in management of the disease. malaria, microscopy

(2012) Entomological inoculation rates in 2009 on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) in Equatorial Guinea started in 2004 with the goal to reduce malaria transmission and associated morbidity and mortality on Bioko Island.malaria, inoculation, rates, 2009, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2010). Malaria Microscopy Competency in Liberia - April 2010 [Fact sheet]. .

The Improving Malaria Diagnostics project (IMaD) is USAID’s flagship project for malaria diagnostics. IMaD assesses diagnostic capabilities, and works with the NMCP and partners to refine and adapt standardized training materials, training plans and supervisory/ quality assurance plans. IMaD conducted the assessment and training described in this report.malaria, IMAD, PMI, microscopy, diagnostics, liberia

(2009) Combining Indoor Residual Spraying and Insecticide Treated Net Interventions [Journal article]. .

Does scaling up of malaria control by combining indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) enhance protection to populations? indoor, residual, spraying, insecticide, net, interventions, malaria

(2008) A pre-intervention study of malaria vector abundance in Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea: Their role in malaria transmission and the incidence of insecticide resistance alleles. Malaria Journal [Journal article]. .

Following the success of the malaria control intervention on the island of Bioko, malaria control by the use of indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLITN) was extended to Rio Muni, on the mainland part of Equatorial Guinea.malaria, vector, Rio, Muni, Equatorial, Guinea, transmission, insecticide, resistance

(2007) Malaria vector control by indoor residual insecticide spraying on the tropical island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

A comprehensive malaria control intervention was initiated in February 2004 on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. malaria, vector, control, indoor, residual, spraying, Bioko, Island, Equatorial, Guinea

(2007) Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Malaria Control in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

MCDI is currently implementing an Android based tablet application designed to plan, manage, and monitor any service delivery campaigns at the household and individual level.Vector control

(2006) Reduction in infection with Plasmodium falciparum one year after the introduction of malaria control interventions on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project was initiated in 2003 to substantially reduce malaria on the island of Bioko in Equatorial Guinea.malaria, control, interventions, Bioko Island, Bioko, Equatorial, Guinea

(2005) An Unusual Distribution of the kdr Gene Among Populations of Anopheles gambiae on the Island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

In West Africa, Anopheles gambiae exists in discrete subpopulations known as the M and S molecular forms.malaria, Bioko Island, Bioko, Island, Equatorial Guinea

Assessing IRS performance and barriers in a gender-integrated vector control program on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

Due to social, economic and physiological barriers, women have historically been underrepresented in spray programs across Sub-Saharan Africa.Indoor Residual Spraying

The prevalence and distribution of Plasmodium species among children at Malabo Regional Hospital on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) infections account for about 99% of the total malaria cases in Africa.Diagnostics

Qualitative assessment of long-lasting insecticidal nets to prevent malaria on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

This qualitative study sought to examine incentives and barriers to LLIN use, care, and upkeep to inform social and behavior change communication strategies for integrated malaria control.Vector control,LLINs

Challenges of achieving effective contraception women of reproductive potential in malaria vaccine trials in Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

Past studies have shown that the knowledge and use of contraception among women of reproductive potential in Equatorial Guinea is limited.Malaria vaccine

Screening Failures: How to improve coverage of vaccination? [Conference presentation]. .

Evaluation of the PfSPZ vaccine has been conducted in Equatorial Guinea (EG) since 2015.Malaria vaccine

Social-Structural Implications of Malaria Vaccine Trials in Equatorial Guinea. [Conference presentation]. .

The Equato‐Guinean Malaria Vaccine Initiative (EGMVI) was established in 2014.Malaria vaccine

Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of PfSPZ Vaccine in Equatoguinean Children and Older Adults. [Conference presentation]. .

PfSPZ Vaccine is a candidate pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine composed of aseptic, purified, live (metabolically active), radiation-attenuated, cryopreserved Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) NF54 sporozoites (SPZ).Malaria vaccine

Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity and Efficacy of PfSPZ Vaccine versus PfSPZ-CVac in Equatoguinean Young Adults. [Conference presentation]. .

PfSPZ Vaccine is a candidate pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine composed of radiation-attenuated, aseptic, purified, cryopreserved Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) NF54 sporozoites (SPZ).Malaria vaccine

Lesson learned: Development of National Archive of Malaria Slides (NAMS) in the DR Congo [Conference presentation]. .

The accuracy of malaria diagnosis by microscopy has been a challenge in health facilities in the DRC due to inadequate training, quality assurance, and maintenance of microscopy skills.Diagnostics,Slide Banks

Enhancing the private health sector’s role through access to subsidized malaria commodities: game changer in Benin’s supply chain [Conference presentation]. .

As much as 60% of Benin’s malaria cases are diagnosed in the private health sector, where 70% of all antimalarials are also purchased, yet historically, the private sector has not adhered to national malaria diagnosis and treatment guidelines and has faced challenges with maintaining adequate stock-levels of malaria commodities.Supply Chain Management

Efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Klouekanmey and Djougou, Republic of Benin [Conference presentation]. .

In 2008, artemether-lumefantrine (AL) was introduced as first-line treatment for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Benin.Treatment

Mass screening campaigns to increase awareness of cervical cancer treatment and prevention in Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

Cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in women and represents 7.9% of all female cancers.Cervical cancer screening and treatment

Incidence and risk factors for cervical cancer and pre-cancerous lesions in Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

According to the World Health Organization, 34 out of every 100,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 23 out of 100,000 cases are fatal.Cervical cancer screening and treatment

Achieving an innovative and sustainable Performance-Based Financing program with the introduction of Risk Based Verification and Skills Based Quality Assessments in Lesotho [Conference presentation]. .

In 2014, the Lesotho Ministry of Health (MoH) launched the Health Sector Performance Enhancement (HSPE) Project funded by the World Bank to improve maternal and newborn health by Performance-Based Financing.Performance Based Financing

Evaluation of community-level vector control activities and A. aegypti egg density indices in Guatemala [Conference presentation]. .

The Zika Community Response (ZICORE) project in Guatemala aims to improve surveillance of the Aedes vector by using entomological data as the basis for low-cost community-level vector monitoring as well as social and behavior change interventions.Vector control,Zika

Use of dispersion index to identify key containers responsible for Aedes aegypti breeding in select communities of Guatemala [Conference presentation]. .

As part of the Zika Community Response (ZICORE) project in Guatemala, we quantified household containers that could become Aedes aegypti breeding sites in order to gather entomological data to target Zika prevention and control interventions.Vector control,Zika

Strengthening of the National Health Information System through the use of GIS Maps in Health Facilities on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. [Conference presentation]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP), in collaboration with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) of Equatorial Guinea has developed, designed, and implemented the National Health Information System (NHIS).GIS

Mapping Global Sanitation Fund Open-Defecation Free, Non-Open Defecation Free, and Slipped Villages in Madagascar [Conference presentation]. .

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 6 addresses globally the lack of water and sanitation. Unfortunately, proper sanitation access has not had the same success as clean water access as one third of the global population still lacks access to sanitation facilities.GIS,Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

A Comparison Between two Strategies for Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment: Hospital Based Fixed Sites vs. Community Based Mobile Campaigns in Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

Cervical cancer ranks as the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the cancer with the highest mortality among women in Equatorial Guinea.Cervical cancer screening and treatment

Social Behavior Change Communication and bednet retention, care, repair, use and impact in Benin [Conference presentation]. .

The use of durable, long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) is key to tackle malaria in Benin.LLINs,Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

Net migration or non-use? Bed net ownership following mass distribution campaigns on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. [Conference presentation]. .

The objective of this study was to describe the patterns of use and explore factors related to attritionLLINs

Assessing the impact of malaria and malaria control interventions on the welfare of the population on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. [Conference presentation]. .

The objective of this study was to describe the patterns of use and explore factors related to attrition following two long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) distribution campaigns.Vector control

Understanding the Environment of Malaria-Related Behaviors on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Conference presentation]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) has conducted intensive malaria control interventions on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea since 2005.Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

The relationship between P. falciparum parasitemia from MIS data among pregnant women and children and assessing the use of ANC data for estimating malaria prevalence. [Conference presentation]. .

Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN) are the two largest vector control interventions used by the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea.Malaria in pregnancy,Malaria Indicator Survey

Assessment of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) interventions in support of malaria control activities conducted in Benin by PMI's ARM3 project [Conference presentation]. .

Malaria control programs often target vulnerable populations such as children and pregnant women.Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

Reduced malaria commodity stock-outs at health facility level through monthly supervision in Benin [Conference presentation]. .

In Benin, from 2012 to 2014, PMI ARM3 project conducted Behavior Change Communication (BCC) activities in 28 of 34 health zones (HZs).Supply Chain Management

Lessons Learned: Malaria Diagnostic Refresher Training in Africa Francophone Countries [Conference presentation]. .

To reduce stock-outs of essential malaria commodities at health facilities (HFs), the President's Malaira Initiative (PMI) piloted a monthly supervision approach in two purposively selected health districts in Benin.Diagnostics,Training

Improving Quality of Care and Perceived Client Satisfaction with Performance-Based Financing in Lesotho. [Conference presentation]. .

Since 2010, WHO has recommended that testing all suspected malaria cases with a parasitological test and high quality malaria microscopy remains the diagnostic standard.Performance Based Financing

Preliminary report of a study on "effectiveness, safety and acceptability of cervical cancer screening (CCS) using a visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and cold coagulation (CC) based single-visit approach in Yat Sauk Township in Shan State, Myanmar" [Conference presentation]. .

The Lesotho Ministry of Health initiated a World Bank funded Maternal and Newborn Health Performance-Based Financing (PBF) project in 2014, later re-structured as Health Sector Performance Enhancement Project.Cervical cancer screening and treatment

Competency Test for Visual Inspection of Cervical Lesions with Acetic Acid (VIA). Equatorial Guinea-Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project [Conference presentation]. .

Cervical cancer is the second most frequent woman cancer in Myanmar and screen coverage was lower than one percent in Myanmar.Cervical cancer screening and treatment

Reduced Prevalence of Malaria Infection in Children Living in Houses with Window Screening or Closed Eaves on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

As part of MCDI-Equatorial Guinea Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project, a training on Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid was held in March 2017 in Malabo.Vector control

Reducing costs and operational constraints of dengue vector control by targeting productive breeding places: a multi-country non-inferiority cluster randomized trial [Journal article]. .

Previous studies demonstrated that fewer mosquitoes enter houses which are screened or have closed eaves.Vector control


To test the non-inferiority hypothesis that a vector control approach targeting only the most productive water container types gives the same or greater reduction of the vector population as a non-targeted approach in different ecological settings and to analyse whether the targeted intervention is less costly.Malaria in pregnancy,Malaria Indicator Survey


Pregnant women have been one of the main targets in the efforts to control malaria and in some settings they are routinely screened and treated or provided anti malaria prophylaxes and also provided ITNs.Vector control,Larviciding


Background: Larviciding has historically recorded success in vector control, known to be effective in urban setting where breeding sites are generally and easily assessable.Vector control,Surveillance


The 2012 WHO manual of surveillance for malaria control proposed the monitoring of suspected cases, however the same manual fostered the use of confirmed malaria cases.Vector control,GIS


The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) created a geo-referenced mapping system in 2012 assigning a unique identifier to all households similar to an address.Indoor Residual Spraying


Indoor residual spraying (IRS) - spraying the interior walls of houses with insecticide - has been used on Bioko for malaria control since 2004.LLINs


From December 2014 to June 2015, the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) conducted a mass-top up LLIN distribution campaign on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea.Indoor Residual Spraying


The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) uses a GIS-based Campaign Information Management System (CIMS) that uniquely identifies each household based on geographical location.Vector control,Surveillance


Beginning in 2015, the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) adopted a strategic and targeted approach of indoor residual spraying (IRS) for malaria prevention.Malaria vaccine


PfSPZ Vaccine is a candidate pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine composed of radiation-attenuated, aseptic, purified, cryopreserved Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoites (SPZ).Vector control,LLINs

Improved Monitoring of IRS coverage on Bioko Island through the use of GIS-Based Campaign Information Management System (CIMS) [Presentation]. .

Between December 2014 and June 2015, the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) distributed 149,287 long lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) to 61,000 households on Bioko Island, achieving an Island-wide coverage of at least 1 LLIN per household of 87%.Indoor Residual Spraying

Five years of malaria control in the continental region, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

A presentation concerning efforts made by the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project to strengthen the monitoring of IRS coverage through the use of a geographic information system based Campaign Information Management System running on Android-based tablets.Vector control

Light traps fail to estimate reliable malaria mosquito biting rates on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

A successful malaria control programme began in 2004 on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea.Vector control

Limited Usefulness of Microsatellite Markers From the Malaria Vector Anopheles gambiae When Applied to the Closely Related Species Anopheles melas [Journal article]. .

The human biting rate (HBR), an important parameter for assessing malaria transmission and evaluating vector control interventions, is commonly estimated by human landing collections (HLC).Vector control

How Much Does Malaria Vector Control Quality Matter: The Epidemiological Impact of Holed Nets and Inadequate Indoor Residual Spraying [Journal article]. .

Anopheles melas is a brackish water mosquito found in coastal West Africa where it is a dominant malaria vector locallyVector control,Indoor Residual Spraying

Outdoor host seeking behaviour of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes following initiation of malaria vector control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

Insecticide treated nets (ITN) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are the two pillars of malaria vector control in Africa, but both interventions are beset by quality and coverage concerns.Vector control

Short Report: Estimation of the Human Blood Index in Malaria Mosquito Vectors in Equatorial Guinea after Indoor Antivector Interventions [Journal article]. .

Indoor-based anti-vector interventions remain the preferred means of reducing risk of malaria transmission in malaria endemic areas around the world.Vector control

Plasmodium ovale curtisi and Plasmodium ovale wallikeri circulate simultaneously in African communities [Journal article]. .

We determined the Human Blood Index (HBI) of malaria mosquito vectors in Equatorial Guinea.Entomology

Determinants of bed net use in children under five and household bed net ownership on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

It has been proposed that ovale malaria in humans is caused by two closely related but distinct species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium ovale curtisi and Plasmodium ovale wallikeri.LLINs

Serological Markers Suggest Heterogeneity of Effectiveness of Malaria Control Interventions on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Journal article]. .

As part of comprehensive malaria control strategies, the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) distributed 110,000 long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN) in late 2007 with the aim of providing one net for each sleeping area.Vector control

Marked Increase in Child Survival after Four Years of Intensive Malaria Control [Journal article]. .

In order to control and eliminate malaria, areas of on-going transmission need to be identified and targeted for malaria control interventions.Vector control

Targeted Top-Up of LLINs Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea [Presentation]. .

In malaria-endemic countries in Africa, a large proportion of child deaths are directly or indirectly attributable to infection with Plasmodium falciparum.LLINs

Malaria Microscopy Competency in Liberia Post Ebola Disease Outbreak [Conference presentation]. .

The BIMCP is being implemented on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, an Island with a population of approximately 250,000 people located in the Gulf of Guinea where malaria transmission is year-round and was the primary source of morbidity and mortality prior to the inception of the BIMCP in 2004.Diagnostics,Training

A comparison of the effectiveness of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) plus repair kits and BCC alone in promoting repair of long-lasting insecticidal nets in Benin [Conference presentation]. .

Since 2010 Liberia has progressively moved toward parasitological diagnosis of malaria. However in the last two years - since the first confirmed case of Ebola virus disease (EVD) on March 17, 2014, through January 14, 2016, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an end to the most recent outbreaks - the public health system has been overwhelmed managing this new diseaseBehavior Change Communication (BCC)

Lessons learned: Malaria Case Management training in Madagascar [Conference presentation]. .

We compared strategies to increase net durability in 2014. Three groups of 300 households (HH) were randomly assigned to two intervention arms and one control arm.Diagnostics,Case Management

One Year of Community Led Larviciding: Bioko Island [Conference presentation]. .

Pregnant women have been one of the main targets in the efforts to control malaria and in some settings they are routinely screened and treated or provided anti malaria prophylaxes and also provided ITNs. Studies have indicated that they are more likely to have detectable malaria due to higher parasite densities.Larviciding

Increasing outdoor host seeking in Anopheles Gambiae over 6 years of vector control on Bioko Island [Journal article]. .

The impact of importation of falciparum malaria from mainland Equatorial Guinea on malaria infection in non-travellers and travellers on Bioko Island was examined.Entomology

Country-level operational implementation of the Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management [Journal article]. .

The Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMCP) has carried out intensive interventions since early 2004 to reduce malaria transmission through indoor residual spraying (IRS) and case management.Insecticide resistance