About Us

For nearly six decades, MCD has designed, implemented, and assessed high-quality, enduring public and global health programs in more than 55 countries.

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MCD Global Health, a public health nonprofit and member of the National Network of Public Health Institutes, is recognized in the United States and internationally as a leader, innovator, and trusted partner.

With our partners, we improve the health and well-being of people around the world by applying public health solutions in innovative and locally led ways.


We envision a world in which all people have access to high-quality and enduring solutions to improve and maintain their health and well-being. By being a trustworthy partner and internationally recognized leader in different focus areas, we find cross-cultural and cost-effective solutions for vulnerable and historically underserved communities.


MCD's mission is to improve the health and well-being of people around the world through enduring, high-quality, cost-effective, and universally accessible public health solutions.


We're known for being a collaborative, hands-on, and long-term partner. Whether it's tackling today's emerging issues or the complex health needs that have challenged communities for decades, our team is always learning and innovating.


Top Challenges in Global Health

Vector-borne Diseases

The emergence and increased transmission of vector-borne diseases is a growing concern around the world. Living in a globally connected society, it is important to quickly respond to and mitigate the risks of such diseases.

Capacity Building

A skilled and well-trained public health workforce is vital. With the use of customized training, technical assistance, and workforce development, health workers are able to provide high-quality care in their communities.

Access to Care

Provider availability, wait times, geography, transportation, costs, and other factors affect a person's ability to access the care they need. With the use of digital health and other initiatives, gaining access has become more convenient overall.


We hit the ground running in low-resource areas, from placing staff to launching projects. You know what your communities need; we help with the how. We come with expertise and humility, listening to community members and working with local organizations to identify effective approaches and strategies.

"MCD is made up of more than 400 employees around the world and works closely with its public, private, and civil-society partners and donors. We are a growing organization, having started in rural Maine and expanding to across the region, the U.S., and around the world."

—Dr. Chris Schwabe, CEO & Executive Director

chris schwabe


  • HPV pilot vaccination campaign and
    New England Rural Health Association

    Girl receiving HPV vaccine in classroom

    First-ever vaccination campaign against HPV takes place in Equatorial Guinea as part of MCD's Cervical Cancer and Screening Treatment project

    NERHA and MCD form a new strategic and collaborative alliance


  • Rebranded as MCD Global Health
    New malaria project in Mozambique

    MCD logo

    MCD, MCDI, MCD Public Health rebranded as MCD Global Health as a more centralized organization

    Funded by USAID, MCD leads USAID-funded U.S. President's Malaria Initiative Malaria Capacity Strengthening Program in Mozambique


  • Two prestigious awards received by MCD

    leaders luminaries award 2020 badge

    Camden National Bank awarded Evelyn Kieltyka, former chairperson of MCD's Board of Directors, 2020 Leaders and Luminaries Spotlight Award for contributions to MCD

    climate change 100 badgeJoint venture of MCD and the Climate Foundation recognized as one of the top 100 highest-scoring proposals in 100&Change competition


  • MCD receives P3 Impact Award

    P3 award logo

    U.S. Department of State awarded MCD and partners P3 Impact Award for work done through Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project


  • Restructuring of organization

    Consolidation of MCD's international and U.S. programs


  • Member of NNPHI

    NNPHI logo

    MCD becomes member of National Network of Public Health Institutes, a network of thought leaders and innovative change agents


  • Malaria Vaccine Initiative established
    Healthy Lincoln County becomes partner

    HLC logo

    MCD's Equatoguinean Malaria Vaccine Initiative (EGMVI) established

    Healthy Lincoln County in Maine partners with MCD


  • Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC) established

    NETRC logo

    NETRC is one of 14 national Telehealth Resources Centers and provides telehealth technical assistance in New England and New York


  • FAA Project implemented in Madagascar

    Image of people gathered around a new latrine in Benin

    MCD implemented Fonds d'Appui l'Assainissement project in Madagascar from 2010–2020, resulting in 4.5 million people gaining access to improved sanitation and hand-washing stations


  • Established Bioko Island Malaria Control Project (BIMEP)

    Women holding bed net

    Bioko Island Malaria Elimination Project (BIMEP) established to use monitoring and evaluation, surveillance, and preventative approaches in controlling malaria in Equatorial Guinea


  • Registered as USAID PVO agency

    USAID seal

    MCD registered as a Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) agency with USAID, which are important partners in USAID's work to address a broad range of development, humanitarian, and health challenges


  • Organized conference on emergency health care

    MCD organized and facilitated International Conference on Emergency Health Care Development attended by 500 professionals from 60 countries


  • MCD International founded

    MCD designated as primary agency for coordinating, creating, and evaluating education in medical facilities in every Maine community

    MCD International founded to meet needs of low-resource nations


  • MCD founded

    old photo from 70s of MCD staff using telehealth for the first time

    Medical Care Development (MCD) founded and incorporated in Augusta, Maine, as a nonprofit to manage a Regional Medical Program and support development of Maine's rural health system and public health infrastructure.
