Ethics Reporting

Our Commitment

Because of our commitment to upholding high ethical standards and fostering transparency and integrity, MCD Global Health complies with the letter and spirit of all laws, regulations, and contractual obligations of the countries we operate in. We are also committed to ensuring that our programs are properly run to efficiently and effectively use all the funding entrusted to the organization in accomplishing its global mission and strategic priorities. MCD has put in place sound management systems and internal controls to detect and prevent fraud, waste, or abuse and ensure donor compliance.

A message from our CEO and president:

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Anonymous Reporting

If you are aware or believe that MCD Global Health funds and resources have been misused or misappropriated in any way, please alert us immediately. MCD encourages its employees and other stakeholders to report concerns through its whistleblower reporting hotline that offers confidentiality and anonymity, without fear of retaliation for reporting in good faith.

MCD has a zero tolerance for the misuse of funds and resources. MCD encourages all stakeholders to report any concerns about fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, non-compliance, and employee misconduct:

To report activity inconsistent with MCD's policy on prohibiting trafficking in persons, you may also contact the Global Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-844-888-FREE or send an email to: or USAID's email: This EthicsPoint hotline is maintained by an independent third-party provider to protect the anonymity of all users.

MCD places human dignity at the center of its development work and has a zero-tolerance stand on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. Read more about our commitment to protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, and child safeguarding (PDF).