


Years of continuous work in Madagascar


Women and girls supported to use appropriate and affordable menstrual hygiene products so far in UNICEF WASH Project


People in more than 23,900 villages declared open defecation free (ODF) at close out of the FAA

Josea Ratsirarson

"Our CLTS approach includes a community-based movement and the entire sanitation and hygiene service chain, from promotion and creating demand to institutional strengthening and advocating for policy reforms. We're proud that our approaches, such as the Follow-up MANDONA, institutional triggering, U-shaped approach for scaling up our market-driven approach to a district-wide sanitation level, have been adapted and replicated in other countries in Africa, resulting in positive impacts across the continent."

Dr. Joséa Ratsirarson
Director, MCD's International Programs


Though MCD’s presence in Madagascar is highly involved in WASH, we are also implementing strategies to prevent, control, and manage malaria since 2007 through the USAID Improving Malaria Diagnostics project, USAID MalariaCare project, and most recently with the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Impact Malaria program

PMI Impact Malaria Madagascar supports Madagascar’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in eliminating malaria through various means.

In 2021, PMI Impact Malaria Madagascar and MCD, as an implementing partner, conducted quarterly laboratory OTSS+ visits for malaria diagnostic and laboratory services in 13 regions of the country, supporting a total of 184 health facilities in 75 districts.

Our team continues to work with Madagascar’s government and other partners and funders in continuing WASH and malaria-related services to assist Madagascar in achieving its short- and long-term public health goals.

Learn more about our involvement with PMI Impact Malaria

Highlights of Our Work

News & Updates

World Hand Hygiene Day: Hand-Washing with Soap is No Longer Optional
MCD Leading UNICEF Project to Achieve Universal Access to WASH in Madagascar
The Fruits of Labor: World Toilet Day 2020