PMI Impact Malaria

Highlights of Our Work

Recent activities:

  • Aligned 13 countries with global guidance on malaria diagnosis and case management.
  • Developed interactive e-learning modules on malaria rapid testing (RDTs) for community health workers and piloted virtual malaria microscopy in a real-world setting to improve lab technicians’ skills.
  • Enabled more than 80% of health facilities in PMI countries to have at least one staff member trained in malaria microscopy after five outreach, training, and supportive supervision (OTSS+) visits, compared to only 63% at baseline for more accurate diagnosis.
  • Launched group antenatal care for 1,618 women in Benin’s Atlantique department to scale up uptake of three doses of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria for pregnant women (IPTp) to help prevent malaria in pregnancy and improve social support.
  • Introduced tablet-based surveys as a disruptive technology for frontline health workers to collect data from 18,000 first clinic visits by pregnant women.
  • Provided quality assurance of parasite clearance rates analyzed at the country-level in Niger, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Burkina Faso, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to test for resistance to antimalarial medicines during therapeutic efficacy studies.

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Join MCD Global Health at ASTMH’s Conference
Streamlining OTSS with Digital Tool Improves Malaria Diagnostics in Guinea Health Facilities