Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, & Child Health

Women and children are often the most susceptible to diseases, antenatal issues, and post-natal complications due to a lack of access to quality health care, hygiene, and sanitation.

MCD Global Health has worked for more than 40 years to improve conditions for women and children, such as high-mortality complications of pregnancy, children’s health conditions, and family planning services in low-resource communities.

Our Results


Private health facilities supported toward accreditation.


Private health providers trained on the High Impact Intervention Package.


Private health providers
trained on the job.

Maternal and Newborn Health

Our team aims to improve the health situations of women of reproductive age, pregnant women, and newborns. By increasing registration for antenatal care visits amongst women who are pregnant, preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV and other infectious diseases, encouraging breastfeeding, and building capacity amongst antenatal and post-natal caregivers to increase maternal and child survival rates, we have assisted in improving health outcomes for mothers and their children.

Children's Health

Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region with the highest under-5 mortality rate in the world, with one child in 13 dying before their fifth birthday, according to the World Health Organization.

We strive to end preventable child deaths through a broad array of interventions, focusing on child survival through malaria control, water and sanitation, integrated management of childhood illnesses, managing immunization coverage, improving nutrition and access to supplies, and behavior change communication.

Our programs combine these interventions to achieve the most widespread success in improving the lives of children under 5. Through our malaria-control efforts on Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea, under-5 mortality on the island vastly decreased through strategic interventions.

Such efforts reduced the malaria parasite prevalence in 2- to 14-year-olds from 45% in 2004 to 20% in 2020, and reduced all-cause mortality among children under 5 by 63%.

Family Planning

By making it easier for women to plan if, or when, they have children, greatly increases successful birth outcomes and their families’ health. Our team has provided family planning counseling and supplies to women in rural communities with limited access to health facilities.

We integrated family planning services with water and sanitation interventions as well as with other maternal, newborn, and child health projects. Mass media campaigns, mass contraceptive distribution, and community mobilization have also allowed us to improve access to quality family planning services and inform communities about safe reproductive health practices.

Performance-Based Financing

Our performance-based financing projects sought to improve the quality of care in health facilities that provide maternal, newborn and children health services. This was done by monitoring and evaluating the performance of health facilities and determining the compensation of health providers based on the quantity and quality of care provided.

Featured Project

News & Updates

Join MCD Global Health at ASTMH’s Conference
Improving Quality of Care in Private Health Facilities in Benin
Group Antenatal Care Effects on Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy in Benin