Group Antenatal Care Effects on Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy in Benin
July 19, 2022

Health workers conducting routine health-related tasks on pregnant women as part of group antenatal care efforts in Benin.
In late 2020, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Impact Malaria Benin surveyed more than 2,400 households in Atlantique department. The purpose of this baseline study was to see if group antenatal care could have an effect on women’s use of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) and if information received from pregnant women during routine antenatal care visits could stand in for more costly malaria indicator surveys led with the overall population.
The WHO and Benin’s Ministry of Health now recommend at least three doses of IPTp for pregnant women, so PMI Impact Malaria is supporting Benin to find ways to further increase protection of women and babies with at least three doses of IPTp.
The survey results showed that about 28% of children under 5 tested positive for malaria via rapid diagnostic testing. Also, 88% of women who gave birth in the past year had received at least one dose of IPTp, and similarly to 2017 data, 69% of women had received two doses. Finally, 40% had received the recommended target of three doses at baseline.
The household survey was vital for determining the population’s coverage with malaria interventions at baseline, as well as measuring the success of the overall objectives of the operational research study once the group antenatal care or pregnancy circles intervention is completed.
Highlights of this project:
Learn more about PMI Impact Malaria Benin
PMI Impact Malaria is led by Population Services International (PSI) in partnership with MCD Global Health, Jhpiego, and the Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI) at UCSF.