Sanitation & Hygiene

More than 2 billion people worldwide still do not have basic sanitation facilities, and poor sanitation and hygiene contribute to hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths each year.

For more than 40 years, MCD Global Health's team has worked to improve sanitation and hygiene, including menstrual hygiene management, in schools and health care facilities as well as for households in rural villages and peri-urban areas, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa.

Our expert team has also integrated sanitation and hygiene practices into many of its maternal and child health, nutrition, family planning, and environmental protection projects.

Our Results


Benin communities achieved ODF status


People in Madagascar living in an ODF environment


Beninese people with access to improved sanitation

Areas of Expertise

Our approach is locally-led and human-centered, spanning the continuum of improving institutional, legislative, and financial frameworks, creating demand, and ensuring supply, all with the aim of improving sanitation and hygiene practices.

Icon of calendar and menstrual cycle symbols.


icon of latrine and toilet.

Behavior Change & Demand

Icon of financial symbols.

Service & Product Access

Featured Projects

News & Updates

World Hand Hygiene Day: Hand-Washing with Soap is No Longer Optional
MCD Leading UNICEF Project to Achieve Universal Access to WASH in Madagascar
It’s Not About Changing, But Making People Agents of Change