Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project

Our Results


Women seen in our consulting rooms located within various health facilities across Equatorial Guinea.


Cases of VIA-positive lesions were detected that may have turned into cancer.


Health professionals trained on different cervical cancer prevention screening and treatment methods.

What Our Team Says:

Carolina Amadu Muana.“During 2018, the field campaign reached eight to 10 districts where we served 1,600 women. This was very impressive, and people liked it. There were some women who arrived when we were closing, and we had to reopen to attend to them because it would be a shame to leave them unseen. The saddest thing is that there were some positive cases found (women who presented signs of cervical cancer). We provided services women from the early morning until 5 or 6 in the afternoon. We always provide services to anyone, in particular to those who had made the effort to get there.”

—Carolina Amadu Muana, CCST project manager

News & Updates

MCD Launches First-ever Pilot Vaccination Campaign Against Human Papillomavirus in Equatorial Guinea
Saving Lives from a Preventable Disease: Preventing and Treating Cervical Cancer in Equatorial Guinea
Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project Reaches More Women in Equatorial Guinea, Achieving 148% of 2022 Goal