Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the fourth most frequently diagnosed cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in women, with an estimated 604,000 new cases and 342,000 deaths worldwide in 2020.

Nineteen of the top 20 countries with the highest cervical cancer burden worldwide are located in sub-Saharan Africa (2018). While this type of cancer is one of the most preventable, poor or nonexistent access to prevention, screening, and treatment contributes to 90% of deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

MCD Global Health has worked in Myanmar and Equatorial Guinea to improve women’s access to life-saving screening and treatment services.

Our Results


Women seen in our consulting rooms located within various health facilities across Equatorial Guinea.


Cases of VIA-positive lesions were detected that may have turned into cancer.


Health professionals trained on different cervical cancer prevention screening and treatment methods.

‘Screen-and-Treat' Approach

MCD is one of the first international nongovernmental organizations to use the innovative, one-visit ‘screen-and-treat' therapy in low-resource countries. Our team uses this approach for our cervical cancer programs because it is key to a 70% or higher reduction rate in industrialized nations and critical to reducing the burden of cervical cancer in low-resource countries.

The ‘screen-and-treat' approach is cost-effective and requires basic infrastructures and training to be completed. This approach allows the patient to be screened and treated during the same visit.

Using AI Technologies for Screening

Our team also uses artificially intelligent medical device technologies throughout the screening and treatment process. Enhanced Visual Assessment through MobileODT gives the provider a more powerful visual examination in which the patient’s data can be recorded and after visual inspection, images of the cervix can be captured for record keeping, onsite training, and quality control.

Training Health Workers

We are committed to expanding access to screenings by training health workers in the ‘screen-and-treat' approach. Our expert team trains health workers and builds the capacity of Equatorial Guinea’s Ministry of Health to implement screenings and treatments at hospitals across the country.

Mobilizing Communities

Rallying community support and encouraging women to get screened is vital in the movement toward reducing cervical cancer rates. MCD works with local governments, public markets, media outlets, and other health communication strategies to disseminate educational information and encourage screening.

Featured Project

News & Updates

MCD Launches First-ever Pilot Vaccination Campaign Against Human Papillomavirus in Equatorial Guinea
Saving Lives from a Preventable Disease: Preventing and Treating Cervical Cancer in Equatorial Guinea
Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Project Reaches More Women in Equatorial Guinea, Achieving 148% of 2022 Goal