MCD Part of Consortium to Advance Health and Malaria Services in Niger

September 25, 2023

PMI workers in Niger working on malaria prevention

Led by Palladium, MCD Global Health (MCD) is part of a consortium that was awarded the five-year U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative Advancing Health and Malaria Services Program in Niger (PMI AHMS Niger). The consortium of partners also includes Bluesquare, ideas42, ESCAVI, and SongES.

The project’s goal is to increase the coverage and use of key life-saving malaria interventions in support of Niger’s National Malaria Strategic Plan and build the human resources capacity of the National Malaria Control Program.

The program will focus on supporting malaria prevention and case management at the facility and community levels through integrated community case management, malaria in pregnancy, seasonal malaria chemoprevention, monitoring and evaluation, and social and behavioral change interventions integrated into the design of malaria services to increase uptake of malaria services.

It will strengthen the capacity for higher quality service delivery and monitoring and evaluation and provide tools and equipment to PMI-supported health districts in Dosso and Tahoua.

Specifically, MCD’s role within the PMI AHMS Niger project includes:

  • Leading malaria diagnostic and case management at the health facility and community levels and activities to improve health worker adherence to national malaria guidelines;
  • Supporting the NMCP in developing, reviewing, and updating policy, guidelines, and training materials as well as training community health workers;
  • Supporting work to scale up mass drug administration and case management and surveillance approaches; and
  • Providing support to the NMCP for their malaria control program as well as the health information system to provide high-quality data for decision making in a timely manner.

Mariam Bahova

“Through the PMI AHMS Niger project, MCD Global Health, in collaboration with our consortium partners, is committed to advancing health care and malaria services in Niger,” said Mariam Bahova (image at right), associate program manager at MCD. “Our goal is to strengthen malaria prevention, diagnosis and case management, enhance human resources capacity, and promote the uptake of life-saving interventions. Together, we aim to make a significant impact on combating malaria and improving health care delivery in the region.”

MCD has been a trusted implementing partner of PMI for more than 15 years and worked for decades with different countries’ ministries of health across sub-Saharan Africa for malaria diagnosis, quality assurance, case management, and more.

Other recent PMI-associated projects that MCD has been involved in include:

  • U.S. PMI Impact Malaria that supports countries’ national malaria programs to reduce the malaria burden and save lives by improving the quality of health service delivery, and
  • The PMI Malaria Reduction Activity in Uganda, funded by USAID and led by JSI, that aims to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malaria with a focus on strengthening the capacity and ownership of malaria prevention at the community and household levels.

Learn more about the PMI AHMS Niger project
