MCD Joins JSI Consortium to Implement Newly Awarded Malaria Reduction Project
April 1, 2022

MCD Global Health is proud to be part of a consortium, led by John Snow Inc. (JSI), that was recently awarded the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) Malaria Reduction Activity, funded by USAID. This is MCD's first project in Uganda and will last from 2022 through 2026.
As a core partner with PMI Impact Malaria and a major contributor to the World Health Organization malaria technical guidance, MCD is excited to leverage our globally recognized malaria expertise with this five-year project. We are contributing our experience in diagnostics, case management, strengthening data use for decision making, enhancing integrated community case management, and mentoring private sector facilities, among others.
This activity aims to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malaria in Uganda with a focus on strengthening the capacity and ownership of malaria prevention at the community and household levels. Overall, this activity will contribute to a stronger health system and to the Uganda Ministry of Health’s goal of reducing malaria morbidity and mortality in Uganda by 50% and 75%, respectively, by 2025.
Specifically, MCD will focus on health system strengthening and malaria diagnosis in the following ways:
- Build a culture of producing and using quality data for decision making;
- Engage and leverage the private sector for increased access to quality malaria services; and
- Strengthen technical capacity and ownership at district, health facility, and community levels for increased sustainability.
“Uganda has ambitious targets for reducing the impact of malaria on its population and eventually eliminate the disease by 2030,” said Sandra Incardona, Ph.D., senior technical lead at MCD. “We are thrilled to now be part of this effort and put our strong malaria experience into service for achieving this goal.”
The PMI Malaria Reduction Activity is implemented by JSI, in partnership with the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics; Another Option, LLC; Makerere University; Programme for Accessible Health, Communication, and Education; and MCD.
Photo from the USAID Uganda Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services-North (RHITES-N), Lango. Property of John Snow Inc. (JSI).