MCDI Photo Wins Second Place in WSSCC Photo Contest

Dec. 3, 2018

Randriamanalina's winning photo involved FAA in Madagascar.

On November 20, 2018, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) announced that MCDI's Aimé Randriamanalina won second place in their World Toilet Day Champion photo challenge. The goal of the contest, according to the WSSCC, is to "showcase the diverse and meaningful work that our members are doing within their communities by engaging and rallying them to participate and raise awareness on sanitation-related issues." This photo was captured during activities of MCDI's Global Sanitation Fund (administered by the WSSCC) Fonds d'Appui pour l'Assainissement project in Madagascar.

Randriamanalina's winning photo (below) features a latrine owner, members of local implementing organization Caritas Farafangana, a local leader in the village's sanitation movement, and other community members. The photo was taken after a Follow-Up Mandona (FUM) session conducted by the MCDI’s local partner agency, Caritas Farafanga, in the village of Besakoa in Madagascar. FUM is an action-oriented approach to accelerate the end of open defecation after initial sessions to introduce hygienic habits to the community, and is a main strategy in keeping hygienic habits sustainable in the long term.

Through Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and FUM, MCDI has helped over 17,000 villages in Madagascar achieve Open Defecation Free status.

MCDI's work in Gabon, funded by Noble Energy, focuses on improving prevention, testing and treatment of malaria at primary health facilities, as well as testing, counseling and tracking of HIV-positive pregnant women and their newborns. From November 27-29, representatives from MCDI and Noble Energy met with General Secretary of the Ministry of Health as a follow-up to the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for project's malaria and HIV prevention work in Nyanga province.

sanitation & hygiene