Not Being Left Behind No Matter the Circumstance

March 7, 2023

Drusilla Blakey

Drusilla Blakey.

Drusilla Blakey sees International Women’s Day as a time to encourage everyone to be a champion for equity, especially equity for minority women. Drusilla is the executive assistant to the CEO and assistant secretary to the Board of Directors and works remotely in Dallas, Texas for MCD Global Health. She describes hurdles she has overcome in order to move closer to her goals in life:

I believe in the work of equity and the idea of no one being left behind due to their circumstances. In Texas public schools, 52% of the student body is Latino/Hispanic, and 75% of those students are identified to be economically disadvantaged. Personally, coming from a situation where I was considered disadvantaged has shown me the reality of inequity.

As I moved on to college, it became more apparent that my family did not have money to pay for higher education. Because of this, I worked a full-time job during the day and went to school at night. I paid my way through school, one semester at a time, and graduated in six years, versus the standard four. I managed to do this debt-free, which is something I’m very proud of.

I’m thankful for the variety of mentors and supporters who helped me throughout my career. Keeping in contact with my network of former employers, mentors, and supporters has helped me grow and learn, and it’s taken me around the world, something I never expected.

Being part of MCD has taken me to the next step in fulfilling my goal of working in the non-profit sector. I grew up with the mindset that it’s important to be of service to others, so the mission of MCD aligns with my personal goals and aligns with the idea of equity for all. In addition, I’m thrilled to be part of MCD’s internal DEI&B Steering Committee. It’s a wonderful opportunity to bring forward these issues and do all we can to promote equality and equity to all our staff.

I encourage everyone to be champions for equity, especially equity for minority women. Find ways to contribute to a more equal footing so that no one is left behind. Even asking questions or engaging in conversations to find out or learn more is helpful; it shows that you care and acknowledge the work that is still to be done.
