Medical Care Development Inc. Announces Company Restructuring to Focus on Global Public Health

July 1, 2017

Medical Care Development Incorporated (MCD) is pleased to announce its organizational restructuring that focuses the company exclusively on global public health, taking effect on July 1, 2017. The newly restructured MCD ( now consists of an international division (MCDI), a U.S. public health division (MCD Public Health), and a corporate services division that includes an IT Innovations Center. MCD Communities, a former division of MCD that provided residential care services in Maine for the elderly, people with developmental disabilities or mental health problems, has now been split off into a new, completely independent nonprofit entity named New Communities Incorporated (

Thanks to the programmatic similarities between MCDI and MCD Public Health and a refocused core mission, this restructuring allows MCD to grow exclusively as a global public health company, building on its decades of experience working both in the U.S. and internationally. The restructuring of MCD will also yield operational management efficiencies and enhance the company’s capacity to manage risk.

In its new form, MCD will be better positioned to leverage potential synergies between its international and U.S.-based Divisions, exploiting their respective expertise and experience to more cost-effectively address global health issues that transcend geographic boundaries, such as infectious disease control, chronic disease management, telemedicine and cutting-edge IT solutions. "With the increasing impact of non-communicable diseases in developing nations and the spread of infectious diseases such as Zika across country boarders, the integration of international and domestic public health programs will become ever more vital in this increasingly globalized world," said Dr. Christopher Schwabe, the newly appointed CEO and President of MCD.

Dr. Schwabe, who formerly served as the Director of MCDI, replaces Maureen Conley as the President and CEO of MCD, as she moves on to serve as the President and CEO of New Communities Incorporated. Dr. Luis Tam, formerly the Chief Program Officer at MCDI, now serves as its Director. Danielle Louder and Elizabeth Foley will continue to serve as the co-directors of MCDPH.
