Staffing the Public Health Workforce

MCD Global Health has a long history of providing embedded staffing support to Maine’s public health programs and initiatives and holding workforce development contracts with various state public and private-public health organizations.

We routinely engage in contract and program management, project staffing and implementation, committee coordination, and communication and collaboration with department leadership to ensure deliverables are met, and staff contribute to program operations and performance measures.

We proudly partner with Maine DHHS and Maine CDC

Maine CDC/DHHS logo

Current Projects We Support


1 FTE; 2017–Present
Provide office and administrative support to approximately 5,000 referrals annually for maternal child health (prenatal, postpartum, infant, and lead poisoning public health nursing visits).
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Ryan White & AIDS Drug Assistance Program

3 FTEs; 2004–Present
Coordinate insurance payment program and ADAP functions as well as creating practical recommendations and materials for programs and communities to use in order to reduce the burden of disease.
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Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey

1 FTE; 2014–Present
Conduct program implementation work with the Maine CDC and Department of Education and project partners to ensure smooth planning and execution of the survey.
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District Public
Health Councils

3 FTEs; 2018–Present
Provide support to the Maine Public Health Districts and district liaisons in facilitating operations of the DCC and continue developing key elements of DCC organization and operations.
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Youth Suicide Prevention

1 FTE; 2013–2016, 2019–Present
Oversee statewide, grant-funded youth suicide prevention activities, including the work plan and grant deliverables.
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Adult Suicide Prevention

1 FTE; 2018–Present
Oversee statewide, grant-funded adult suicide prevention activities (National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and Comprehensive Suicide Prevent grant) including the work plan and grant deliverables.
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Vaccine Coordination

7 FTEs; 2015–Present
Provide support to the Maine Immunization Program to coordinate efforts for children, adults, Hepatitis B, and COVID-19 vaccinations.
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School Oral Health Program

2 FTEs; 2016–Present
Manage the state’s School Oral Health Program by providing fluoride varnish application, oral health assessments, and referrals for Maine elementary students K-6.
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Maternal Infant Substance Use Prevention

1 FTE; 2020–Present
Develop and implement a statewide strategic plan for substance-exposed infants' prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery services.
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Colorectal Cancer Screening

1 FTE; 2020–Present
Provide staff with all aspects of program implementation, monitoring, and working with evaluator as well as coordinate ongoing program evaluations.
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Health Care Associated Infections and Antibiotic Resistance

2 FTEs; 2015–Present
Serve as subject-matter expert as well as assess and build capacity for Maine to detect, report, and response to potential outbreaks and emerging pathogen threats.
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Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention

1 FTE; 2014–Present
Provide support to the Maine CDC for cooperative agreement management and operation for physical activity, nutrition, and obesity prevention programs.
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People being trained for COVID in Maine.

As the true impact of COVID-19 became clear, MCD’s team moved fast, working with Maine CDC to provide staffing support to Maine’s COVID-19 response. Since March 2021, MCD has recruited and trained more than 50 professionals from varied backgrounds to fulfill different roles.

Every day, this team has been on the front lines, at times providing coverage seven days a week, where they reach out to people from Maine on a daily basis to provide information, education, and access to resources for individuals, businesses, and schools affected by COVID-19. The team responds to questions from the public and collects and manages the data for reporting to the federal Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

Past Projects We Supported

Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program

We helped staff a nutritionist, an IT tech to install and train vendors on the e-Payment system, a writer for the annual WIC state plan, and vendor site visits to stores and farm stands (2 FTEs; 2008–2017).

Injury Prevention Program

Collected, analyzed, and disseminated data for decision making on the Violence and Injury Prevention policy and program that resulted in evidence-based best practice interventions to reduce burden (1 FTE; 2010–2015).

Early Childhood Systems

Provide support on grants and contracts for the Early childhood Systems and Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting programs (1 FTE; 2014–2017).

Public Health Accreditation

Coordinate Maine CDC’s efforts to prepare for and achieve national public health accreditation (1 FTE; 2012–2016).

Training and Volunteer Coordinator

Recruit and train volunteers to work at the Maine CDC Data, Research, and Vital Statistics office (1 FTE; 2015–2017).

Vital Records & Electronic Death Registry System

Research, develop, and implement training modules on how to use the Electronic Death Registry System and recruit medical certifiers to use the system (1 FTE; 2015–2016).

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System

Provided assistance for population-based surveillance system designed to identify and monitor selected maternal behaviors and experiences (1 FTE; 2014–2016).

Minority and Refugee Health

Make recommendations after analyzing data for the development of a health equity profile focusing on minorities and refugees (1 FTE; 2015–2017).

Immunization Information System (ImmPact)

Maintained and trained providers on ImmPact, a vaccine database system (3 FTEs; 2008–2016).

Health Literacy Coordinator

Assessed the state of health literacy and communications in the Office of Health Equity and Maine CDC, developed a health literacy plan, and provided support for enhancing culturally and linguistically appropriate services (1 FTE; 2013–2015).

Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program

Provide staff to monitor all aspects of the program, collaborating with external partners who implement evidence-based interventions at the clinic level and evaluate ongoing quality-improvement efforts. (1 FTE; 2020-Present).

Maine Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund

Served as the lead staff for administrating the Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund program funds (1 FTE; 2009–2012).

Radon Program

Provided support to the Radon Coordination Services including registrations, trainings, and enforcement to radon service providers, such as laboratories, to protect the health of Maine residents (1 FTE; 2018–2020).

News & Updates

Strengthening Inclusivity: Interconnections of Women’s Rights and Disability Rights
Mental Health is Public Health: MCD Programs Seek to Improve Mental Health in Maine
Maine CDC, MCD Global Health Raise Awareness on Children’s Dental Health with Poster Contest