Medical Dental Integration (MDI)

Oral Health Integration Models for Primary Care and Dental Practices

rainbow graphic showing Oral Health Integration Models for Primary Care and Dental Practices

number 1

From the First Tooth

The primary care practice provides oral health assessment, fluoride varnish, caregiver education, and referrals to a dentist as part of well-child visits for all children to age 21.

number 2


MCD leads projects within these areas. Example: Primary care provider sends a dental image to an offsite dental provider to consult on appropriate treatment. Dental provider provides guidance on primary care provider initiated preventive and intervention treatments, such as Silver Diamine Fluoride application, and whether a referral is needed for restorative care.

number 3

Co-located Dental Hygienist

Example: An independent practice dental hygienist offers routine on-site preventive oral health care for children who do not have a dental home, as an independent provider. The dental hygienist may subcontract with the practice but mostly operates as a separate entity from the medical team although located in the same site.

number 4

Integrated Dental Hygienist

Example: An independent practice dental hygienist is part of the primary care team, working collaboratively to address oral health as part of overall health during well-child visits and with follow-up as needed. In this fully integrated model, the hygienist may be employed by the primary care practice. There is a close-knit working relationship and care coordination among the entire health care team.

number 5

Community-based Dental Home

MCD leads projects within these areas. Example: The on-site hygienists deliver all the patient’s preventative and early intervention dental care in the medical home and then, utilizing telehealth, links to an off-site dentist. The dentist completes a dental examination remotely and works with the patient's care team to develop a plan including a plan for treatment that may be beyond the scope of what can be managed on-site. The patient completes additional treatment at the dental office, as needed, but the majority of care is managed in the medical home.

Our Results


MDI planning projects that MCD is leading


Maine counties represented from partners


Medical providers trained in MDI