PAPHyR: Program for Improving Access to Sanitation and Hygienic Practices in Rural Areas

Proud to partner with: Association pour le Développement Communautaire (ADeC); Association de Lutte pour un Développement Intégré et pour la Protection de l'Environnement (ALDIPE); Organisation pour le Développement Durable, le Renforcement et l'Autopromotion des Structures Communautaires (DEDRAS); DERANA; Développement Communautaire et Assainissement du Milieu-BETHESDA (DCAM-BETHESDA); Groupe de Recherche et d'Appui aux Initiatives Nouvelles de Développement (GRAIND); Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Communautaires (APIC); Association Nationale d'Amitié avec les Peuples (ANAP); Actions Communautaires pour le Développement Durable (ACDD); Etudes et Recherches Appliquées pour le Développement Durable (ERAD); SIA N'SON-ONG; ACTION PLUS; ALPHA ET OMEGA ENVIRONNEMENT; PLAN INTERNATIONAL BENIN; and EAR G-EMERGENCY SARL.

Our Results



People in 5,500+ target communities live in open defecation free environments


People gained access to improved sanitation and hygiene facilities


Total number of implementing partner staff and community leaders trained to promote measures to interrupt spread of COVID-19

Together with its implementing partners and communities, PAPHyR created demand for improved sanitation and hygiene while using sanitation marketing to improve the supply of sanitation and hygiene goods and services.

Also, the program supported local artisans and entrepreneurs in the creation and promotion of low-cost technologies, such as hand-washing stations, aligned with local aspirations and means. In some places, the program supported local communities' initiatives to set up a community-managed market supplying sanitation and hygiene products and services.

In 2020, the program reoriented its activities to promote anti-COVID-19 behaviors and collaborated with the Ministry of Health to ensure that all health care facilities were supplied with hand-washing stations, soap, disinfectant, and promotional materials. The program's extensive local networks and position of trust in the community facilitated its anti-COVID-19 efforts. These efforts also allowed the program to strengthen community involvement in the program and motivated communities to improve their sanitation and hygiene.

News & Updates

World Hand Hygiene Day: Hand-Washing with Soap is No Longer Optional
It’s Not About Changing, But Making People Agents of Change
Bénin - Assainissement: Reprise des déclenchements communautaires en ATPC au sein du PAPHyR